As a smart man once said “you don’t know what you got till it’s gone” is very appropriate for this situation. (Yes, the ‘smart man’ being the band Cinderella).
But seriously, is ignoring your hand health, even though it’s extremely important for your overall happiness, smart?
Of course not. So why do most people wait until they experience arthritis, carpal tunnel, tendonitis, trigger finger, or gout to start taking it seriously?
The answer is most likely a variety of reasons. Lack of awareness, knowledge, time and money being the most common.
But do you know the worst part?
As our hand pain gets worse, we start to limit ourselves to avoid using them. But since we can’t quit our jobs or household duties - we stop doing things we love.
We stop exercising, gardening, drawing, knitting or playing with the kids.
But it doesn't need to be like this.
What if there is an easy way to relieve and prevent hand pain that doesn't take up a lot of time, or money? Something you can use whenever you need, and doesn’t cause nasty-side effects or require refills.
A proven therapy method that’s been around for hundreds of years, and recently been adapted to fit the demands of your modern life.
Using it will make you smarter than 99% of the population because you’ll discover stronger hands.